Launching lifelong kingdom workers from every college town.

That’s the vision that drives a lot of what we do as a church.

Acts2Fellowship was started by a small team of super-duper average people from California and Chicago, who felt called to fulfill the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations, which led us on an unexpected adventure to the heart of Indiana.

Since then, we have been blessed to witness God’s hand at work in extraordinary ways. We’ve witnessed people getting saved, baptized, and growing in their faith. And we do our very best to create a space where students from all walks of life can ask tough questions and experience the love and transformative power of Jesus Christ.

We invite you to join us in being a part of God's story here. Whether you’re a student seeking a place to belong, a fellow believer looking to grow in your faith, or simply curious about what we do, welcome!

In 2021, we established our ministry here at Purdue University. Despite knowing almost nothing about the area and having almost no direct ties to Purdue, we were drawn by the need for a vibrant, Christ-centered community among the students.

We are grateful for the opportunities we've had to serve the Purdue community and for the countless lives that we’ve been able to encounter along the way and the church here is evidence that God uses ordinary people to accomplish extraordinary things and we’re excited to see what God has next!

Meet the Pastor

Roy Lo and his wife Kaitlyn both went to UC Berkeley for undergrad. Roy was a hard-core atheist who thought Christianity was for dumb people, and Kaitlyn was sneaking away from God. But, at Berkeley they encountered a contagious Gospel community and committed their lives to follow Jesus. They are Network Staff for the Acts2 Network and have been in college, youth, elderly, and international student ministry in Minneapolis, Los Angeles, Taiwan, and Berkeley for 2 decades before moving to West Lafayette in 2022. They are Purdue University Religious Leaders and Faculty Fellows. Roy loves to talk about apologetics and the Bible, and Kaitlyn loves cats.

Meet the Team

Our team members are bonafide adults who have day jobs, families and kids. They also each have a story of how Jesus changed their lives and how college was that pivotal time when they caught the vision of the Acts2 church. None of them are Midwest natives. But they all have since transplanted their lives in West Lafayette with a dream to share the love of Jesus with the next generation of college students and to live out Acts 2 together.